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11 September 2017

I'd still prefer to have...

...a family physician...sunny ways
The Freedom of Information request revealing, essentially, that Ontario’s Liberal government doesn’t have a hope in hell of hitting its own target for electric vehicle purchases ••• let alone getting the public to buy them. The Liberals will spend up to $277 million by 2020to increase the use of electric vehicles.”

Wynne’s plan estimates the long-term cost of reducing emissions through electric vehicle subsides at $75 per tonne.

But in a report released in June, Germain Belzile and Mark Milke of the Montreal Economic Institute calculated Ontario’s subsidy program for electric vehicles will cost at least $523 per tonne of emissions saved.
They look you right in the face and they lie.


RELATED: Justin drives a Prius, right?millionaire playboy"What you get when you put a male feminist underwear model in charge of Canada's economy."


LAST WORD: Don't blame me, Ontario...

...I didn't vote for them...
"Interest still has to be paid on that $311.9 billion by taxpayers, at a rate of almost $1 billion a month, or $11.6 billion annually."
Missing Mike Harris yet?