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28 September 2017


••• "At what point will Canadians wake up and realize that their future is in real jeopardy?"•••
liar,liarI've been wondering that since Bill C-68 passed.
Here's the answer: They will wake up when the jeopardy finally becomes the reality. When they go to the store one day, and find that overnight the price of bread has doubled and keeps doubling every day thereafter. When they get to the gas station and there is no gas to be had at any price. When they flick a light switch and the light does not come on.

When they are f•••ing starving in the dark and freezing to death in the Brutal Canadian Winter, that is when they are going to wake up. And not one minute before.

How do I know?


When did the people of Venezuela finally wake up? When the animals at the zoo started looking really tasty, that's when. Before that it was all socialism all the time. Spread that money around!

Are Canadians smarter than Venezuelans? No, they're not. If anything Canadians are dumber. Venezuela doesn't have a killing winter every year to remind them that you have to have heat and lights and food or you're going to • die •.