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16 September 2017

Bomber bagged

Police hunting the London tube bomber have arrested an 18-year-old man in Dover and raided an address in Surrey as investigators raced to thwart a second attack.

Investigators believe the suspect may have been in the port area of Dover to try to board a ferry to leave Britain.


UPDATE: Trump right... cops had him
The suspected Parsons Green bomber was a 'problematic foster child' who was allegedly arrested two weeks ago near to where the attack took place before being freed.

Hours after his arrest, which Scotland Yard described as "significant", a second suspect was detained in Hounslow, west London.

RELATED: Suspect in custody described as "Asian"
On Thursday, Britain’s Home Office announced that police, using broader authorities, had arrested a record 379 people for terrorism- related offenses in the past months, an increase of almost 70 percent.
Think I'm just gonna go with "glass half full" here.