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14 September 2017

As early as 2016...

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"...the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI warned state and local officials that antifa had become increasingly confrontational and were engaging in "domestic terrorist violence."

RELATED: Fighting fire with fire

As Cersei Lannister so famously said to the Sparrows... "I choose violence."
“Our efforts are moving ahead at full speed to put together the best free speech event Berkeley has ever seen,” he said. “I am sparing no expense, including a 16-man Navy SEAL security detail for me and our speakers.”
Say what you will about Milo... he's no pussy.


LAST WORD: Free Speech Week at UC Berkeley
The list now includes columnist Katie Hopkins, author and journalist Mike Cernovich, professor Jordan Peterson, political scientist Charles Murray, former Google employee James Damore, Blackwater Founder Erik Prince, street artist SABO, The Gateway Pundit’s White House Correspondent Lucian Wintrich, journalist Chadwick Moore, author Michael Malice, Breitbart London Editor and author Raheem Kassam, activist and journalist Ariana Rowlands, author Lisa De Pasquale, political commentator Heather Mac Donald, Fox News analyst Monica Crowley, and congressional candidate Stelian Onufrei.