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05 August 2017

No biggie, say Justin's Liberal minions

In an interview with CBC Radio's The House, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said the flow of migrants crossing illegally into Canada has not reached a crisis level that would demand significant policy change. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed Hussen's reassurances during a scrum with reporters at an event near Ottawa on Friday

In the month of January, the RCMP intercepted 245 asylum claimants illegally crossing into Canada from the United States near Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Que.

This week, the number had grown to hundreds of migrants a day, a flow that is anticipated to increase. The flow of asylum seekers crossing into Quebec has been largely driven by the approximately 50,000 Haitian migrants living in the United States who believe they could be deported by January.
Man, millions of people choose to vacation in the Caribbean... why would anyone want to... sweet baby jebus...
"Haiti has the highest prevalence of HIV infection in Latin America and the Caribbean. It faces the worst AIDS epidemic outside Africa and bears the greatest burden of HIV in the Western Hemisphere. The epidemic began in the late 1970s and has spread widely throughout the country."

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"Billions of dollars in international aid to Haiti has been lost due to corruption, and this corruption epidemic has hindered many of the good-faith efforts to provide assistance in the wake of disasters."
Sounds like living in some dank welfare shithole in a bad part of Montreal is way better than trying to make any sort of a life in Haiti.


LAST WORD: What's actually going on?