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09 August 2017

If only there was a law

Activist Erricka Bridgeford promoted the campaign as a "Baltimore ceasefire" and "Nobody kill anybody" weekend that began on Friday and ends Sunday night, garnering the support of thousands on social media since May.

The city made it through Friday with no shootings reported, drawing hope from participants the campaign might see some success. But by Saturday, two men were shot and killed in separate incidents just hours apart.

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The group Solidarity Across Borders said Montreal police routinely arrest undocumented migrants and hand them over to the Canada Border Services Agency. It wants that practice stopped.

In a statement, the group also called on Montreal to bar border agents from all city premises.
You just fire all the cops... think of the money you'd save.


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Le Parisien newspaper named the driver in the suspected terror incident as Hamou B., a 37-year-old from Sartrouville in the north western suburbs of Paris.