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14 August 2017

Erasing history... never the answer...
For the next week or two • assuming we're not at war with North Korea • we will hear non-stop geschreiing from our media about what a racist nation we are, how we have to come together, rend our shirts, investigate this and that and endlessly discuss how bad we are until we're finally forgiven at some undetermined point in an ever vanishing future that seems never to arrive.

RELATED: I feel obliged to point out...

..Ted Kennedy's car has still killed more people than my guns...
"One person was killed and 19 injured in a car attack in Charlottesville. Guns were not used. But Everytown is using the violence to push gun control."

LAST WORD: Their political masters...
"When push came to shove • literally • on Saturday, police and National Guardsmen were to be found only on the periphery of the brawling. Indeed, the Virginia ACLU reported that police were refusing to intervene unless specifically ordered to do so."