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24 July 2017


Remember, back, when you were a kid... being bombarded with all those stories about human trafficking?

Yeah... me neither...
After being held for two weeks, the 15-year-old girl managed to escape and contacted police.
The Toronto Police Service began an investigation. On Wednesday, July 19, 2017, Shamar Clarke, 26, was arrested and charged with:

1) Trafficking in Persons under eighteen years by Exercising Control
2) Trafficking in Persons by Recruiting
3) Material Benefit from Sexual Services provided by person under 18 years
4) Procuring Person under 18 years
5) Procuring/Exercising Control over person under 18
6) Advertising Another person's sexual services
7) Print/Publish/Possess to publish Child Pornography
8) Import/Sell/Distribute etc. Child Pornography
9) Sexual Assault
10) Assault
11) Forcible Confinement
12) Uttering Threats/Death
13) Overcoming resistance to offence/attempt to choke
Black Lives Matter Toronto was apparently unavailable for comment.


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