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12 July 2017

Justin Trudeau paid the "Jizya"... keep Jean Chretien and Paul Martin off the witness stand...liberal hypocrisy
“The Harper government refused to repatriate Mr. Khadr or otherwise resolve the matter. They could have, but they didn’t,” Goodale declared.

Except Goodale omitted that in so doing, Harper was merely continuing the policy of the Jean Chretien/Paul Martin Liberal governments from 2002 until they lost power in 2006.

The Liberals made no effort to repatriate Khadr.
And that, my friends, is the truth that "Roaring Ralph" chooses not to tell you...
"Khadr’s civil suit was heavily focused on the unconstitutional conduct of the Liberal government in the 2002-2003 Chrétien-Martin period. Liberal heavyweights and officials from that epoch were included in formulating the Khadr settlement."
Yeah, I'm shocked.