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19 July 2017


BREAKING: Sounds like Mohammed Noor...

...wasn't the only affirmative action fiasco...
Mayor Hodges released a statement on the chief’s resignation:

“As far as we have come, I’ve lost confidence in Police Chief Janeé Harteau’s ability to lead us further — and from the many conversations I’ve had with people around our city, especially this week, it is clear that she has lost the confidence of the people of Minneapolis as well.”
affirmative action
"The silence from the Minneapolis Police Federation in the shooting death of Justine Damond is in sharp contrast to other controversial cases.

Privately, sources are telling us that this can only mean one thing: that the shooting death of Justine Damond by a Minneapolis officer is even being questioned by his fellow officers."
But, wait... there's more...
"Noor, who joined the Minneapolis Police in March 2015, has reportedly had three complaints made against him in two years - including a lawsuit. Two are from 2017 and one from 2016 is closed and marked 'not to be made public'."

UPDATE: Noor family claiming "victimhood"
The family of Damond’s killer declared his innocence, saying Mohammed Noor had mistakenly shot her dead.

“We feel so bad about this, we are traumatised ourselves. It’s so unfortunate.”

RELATED: Here in the Great White North...

...Macleans magazine has bigger fish to fry...
"Indeed, confronting white supremacy in Canada, a country that often openly denies its existence, does require a fight. White supremacy is insidious and covert in Canada."