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22 July 2017


The devil, of course, is in the details...the real killers
"He means nobody's ever SURVIVED him pulling a weapon on them."

"A Nevada brothel offered O.J. Simpson his first job offer since being promised parole from the Nevada prison system."

"Some of the prostitutes working at the Bunny Ranch rose up in indignation after hearing about the job offer. At least one has threatened to quit if Simpson comes to the Ranch."

LAST WORD: Is it really so preposterous?

Saying that his government was “terribly sorry” about the way the former NFL superstar has been treated following his conviction on charges of armed robbery, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has agreed to pay $10 million to O.J. Simpson.

While Trudeau acknowledged that Simpson was not technically a Canadian, the fact that he played just minutes from the Canadian border in Buffalo, Trudeau said, gave Canada a responsibility to protect him.