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08 May 2017

Victimhood Inc. - The Reboundening

I'll see your puny Blackitude and raise you a bubbling cauldron of Aboriginality...irresistable force, immovable object
"We apologize to anyone who we offended and hurt by our presentation."

RELATED: Speaking of presentations...nazis on the brainI guess a billion plus dollars in yearly taxpayer subsidies is no guarantee of quality news coverage.


UPDATE: In other "Cultural Appropriation" news...
According to an article in the “intersectional” blog The Establishment, people who don’t have to live in tiny houses living in tiny houses is a “troubling” example of “poverty appropriation.”

LAST WORD: Airbrushing the Politburo
"Back in 1988, when the Sun's Paul Jackson was at the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, he broke a startling story that showed Tommy Douglas, now revered by the CBC as 'the greatest Canadian of all time,' eagerly recommending the CASTRATION OF HOMOSEXUALS and chronic criminals."
Thank you, Canada's National Broadcaster.