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01 May 2017

The new snack-based economy

"As they briefly went back and forth on the price, she finally agreed to perform the act for $25 and Chicken McNuggets. How many Chicken McNuggets was not specified in the report."
I smell an advertising opportunity.


RELATED: Thanks a bunch, Black Lives Matter!
Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pughis asking for help from the FBI as the city struggles to contain a soaring murder rate. She pulled no punches earlier this week when she said the violence is out of control.

The number of killings shattered a 20-year high this early in the year and his week, Baltimore reached a grim milestone: 100 murders before the end of April. It’s the first time that’s happened since 1998.
Maybe chasing cops out of Baltimore wasn't such a great idea after all. Or out of Toronto schools, for that matter.


LAST WORD: The usual suspects