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31 May 2017


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Kathy Griffin troubles me; WHO are her associates? WHO are her sponsors?

Has she ever traveled to RUSSIA? Has she ever HAD CONTACT with a RUSSIAN
Hmmm... shouldn't there be a "trigger warning" attached to this photo shoot?


RELATED: A decapitation too far?insert alt text here**********

UPDATE: As Sean Penn knows...

..."You never go 'full retard'"...
“CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year’s Eve program,” the network’s communications department tweeted Wednesday morning.

ADT — the largest home security company in North America — announced it would pull its advertising from CNN over the photo, while the Route 66 Casino in Albuquerque, New Mexico announced it had cancelled Griffin’s upcoming performance, which had been scheduled for June 16.
Thus endeth the lesson.


LAST WORD: Let's ask Dilbert
Persuasion-wise, Griffin’s photo was so over-the-line that I assume it ruined the movie for a lot of people following the anti-Trump script. The audience in Griffin’s movie just had a mirror held up to them. If they liked what they saw, they will stay in their seats. If they don’t like being the villains in their own movie, they might change the channel.