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03 May 2017

Fifty year old sleazebag gives up...

..."cash for life" sinecure to "get a little bit of strange"...
OTTAWA — The Senate ethics committee is recommending that disgraced Sen. Don Meredith be expelled for engaging in a sexual relationship with a teenage girl — the first such recommendation in the history of the upper chamber.

The Senate ethics report found Meredith, 52, had sex with the woman once before she turned 18 and twice afterward, and also engaged her in explicit online chats.

Senate ethics officer Lyse Ricard concluded that Meredith, a 52-year-old, married, Pentecostal minister, had begun a relationship with a 16-year-old girl that later became sexual; she also found that Meredith had abused his position as a senator to take advantage of the teen.

UPDATE: Hon. Rev. Dr. Don Meredith
And the ugly picture painted by the excellent report Senate ethics officer Lyse Ricard wrote in March is that for the next two years, Meredith engaged in a calculated effort to both woo her and wear down her doubts. From the moment he met her, Meredith pursued her.

A word, first, about that report. Meredith’s lawyer took the position that the draft version of it went into “an unnecessary level of detail.” By “unnecessary,” it appears the lawyer meant “mortifying.”

LAST WORD: Even if he gets fired...., the Canadian taxpayer, are still on the hook...
Senator Don Meredith will receive a $25,000 annual payout for life even if he is expelled from the Senate. That pension payout relates to his roughly six years of Senate service.
Because, as we all know, MPs and Senators make the law.