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09 April 2017

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"...
"At least 38 people have been killed following two suspected suicide bombings at Coptic Christian services, Egypt's state television reported."

UPDATE: Death toll is now 47 and counting


RELATED: Coming soon... a neighbourhood near you...
"The Stockholm truck attack suspect from Uzbekistan was a rejected asylum-seeker who eluded authorities' attempts to deport him by giving police a wrong address, Swedish police said Sunday while announcing the arrest of a second suspect."

LAST WORD: And Winston Churchill wept...
"Acid was thrown at the man, in the attack on Copenhagen Street, with the substance then splashing onto a woman then the child, according to The Sun."
That's weird... what on earth is happening here...
"Acid attacks are occurring with alarming frequency in London, with nearly 1,500 recorded since 2011, British media reports."

"A third of the attacks alone were committed in 2016, which itself was up 250 percent from the previous year."
What exactly has changed in London in the last five years?