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20 April 2017

The "Bong Fun" Registry

Trudeau government engages consulting firm of Cheech & Chong to oversee bureaucratisation of Justin's dopefest...
OTTAWA — The federal government is looking to establish a cannabis tracking system to collect information from licensed producers, distributors and retailers — just one of a host of changes contained in bills tabled last week that set stage for the drug’s legalization.
I can see Pierre-lite birthing thousands of civil service jobs (all those laid-off gun registry folks) to create all those spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations. A billion here, a billion there... pretty soon you're talkin' real valuta.


RELATED: Trust me... I'm from the government...
"Since moving to the problem-plagued Phoenix pay system in early 2016, tens of thousands of federal civil servants have been short-changed or not paid at all. Some have even been overpaid, causing confusion about how they should pay that money back."
Remember Jean Chretien's 2 billion dollar Long Gun Registry?


LAST WORDS: Even the CBC is skeptical...
Enforcement of cannabis law, it continues, "traps too many Canadians in the criminal justice system for minor, non-violent offenses."

Well said. Courageous, even. Huzzah. So. What's the government's solution?

Well, it intends to continue arresting, prosecuting and criminalizing Canadians who commit this minor and non-violent offence, at least for another year or so. Young Canadians are particularly vulnerable to arrest.
Well, he's a Liberal... they can't help talking out both sides of their mouths.