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14 April 2017

I guess NatPo reporter Adrian Humphries... my blog post from March 31st...
HAMILTON, Ont. — Hamilton police raided a controversial medical marijuana grow-operation after the National Post "revealed" it was operated by a gangster who had been murdered in Toronto.

On April 6, the Post "revealed" the victim of a gangland-style slaying in Toronto was "heavily involved in the medical marijuana business." Sergi not only led a province-wide bid to unionize medical marijuana growers but also was behind the Kenilworth pot farm.
You can almost smell the plagiiar, er... "professional journalism."
Tony Sergi is president of the newly-formed Medical Cannabis Employees Union Local 1 (MCEU 1), which covers the whole province of Ontario.
Oh yeah... by the time the police got there on April 11... the dope factory had apparently been dismantled and taken elsewhere.

Funny how that works.


RELATED: Those horrible violent Canadians
Two men have been taken to hospital, one of them with serious injuries, after shots were fired in Scarborough’s Chester Le neighbourhood on Thursday evening.
Oh my goodness, CTV... that's a tragedy.

Wait a minute, is there anything you're not telling us? Chester Le, Chester Le... that sounds so familiar...
Toronto Community Housing 132-152, 160-172, 180-192, 260-272, 275 Chester Le Blvd.
I guess they just forgot that last bit.

Anyone who is interested in seein' "who's zoomin' who" can find out at the ever helpful Homicide Canada website.


UPDATE: And baby makes three...
The fatal shooting comes just two days after two people were shot and injured on the same block.
What "community" are we housing here?


UPDATE2: Silence of th BLMs
Family friends have confirmed the identity of 24-year-old Samatar Farah who was shot dead in a parking lot in Scarborough’s Chester Le neighbourhood on Saturday morning. The fatal shooting comes just two days after two people were shot and injured on the same block.
Why isn't anybody screaming "Islamophobia?" It's a mystery.