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24 March 2017

The death of free speech in Canada

Witness Pierre-lite's own iteration of the "War Measures Act"...
Motion M103 was tabled by Iqra Khalid, a Muslim member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party. It states the government must “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination”, was taken to vote on Thursday evening where a total of 201 MPs voted for it and only 91 voted against.
Of course, condemnation of intolerance is decidedly a one-way street in Lib-Lib Land...
"On the one-year anniversary of a brazen Ottawa shooting that claimed the life of a 24-year-old Canadian soldier, Justin Trudeau avoided mention of the word terrorism."
UPDATE: Sounds Islamophobic to me...
Taxi drivers are swapping debit cards when passing the terminal to customers paying their fare, Toronto police warn.

“Upon paying, if they’ve opted to pay with a debit card, at some point during that transaction from the point of sale, the taxi operator has been able to manipulate and swap the debit card and obtain the customer’s PIN number.
RELATED: Let's blame inanimate objects instead

LAST WORD: Kathy Shaidle takes a stand