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14 March 2017

Surprise, surprise...

A majority of Canadians express concerns,” Société Radio-Canada declared... Notably, we learned that 74 per cent of respondents support implementing “a test of values to identify (potential immigrants) who have ‘anti-Canadian’ values.” This is by no means the first poll to find widespread support for the ideas.

RELATED: Cultures differ in many ways...
In the place of real intimacy, a whole “relationship replacement” industry has sprung up.

Dating has been replaced by host or hostess clubs, where singles can pay hundreds of dollars an hour for a polite man or woman to pour drinks and make conversation.

And getting married is no longer necessary when you can just pay $2,500 for a virtual spouse.
Whatever floats your boat, bro... I'm really just worried about the "strapping explosives to kids" demographic.


LAST WORD: Build a wall... it with razor wire and pieces of broken glass...
MEXICO CITY (AP) — The top prosecutor in Mexico's Gulf coast state of Veracruz confirmed Tuesday that more than 250 skulls have been found in what appears to be a drug cartel mass burial ground on the outskirts of the city of Veracruz.
Sweet baby jebus.