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27 March 2017

RCMP to start rounding up..., deer hunters and target shoot... WAIT A MINUTE...
When it came to firearm injuries due to assault, immigrants and refugees were at much higher risk than their non-immigrant counterparts.

Refugee children and youth were 1.4 times more likely to be shot than Canadian-born residents of the same age. Firearm injuries due to violent assault tended to be clustered in low-income neighbourhoods in urban centres, where immigrant and refugee children and youth often live when they arrive in Canada.
So, it's the low income neighbourhoods with all the nasty guns? My last handgun purchase was $1200.00. I guess ol' Laquan et al must've hit the 649. Of course, minors can't purchase guns, so, even assuming a clean criminal record, these "Refugee children and youth" have apparently found some sort of extra-legal firearms pipeline.

Note that espite the urban, immigrant statistic cited here, the CBC chose to highlight a gun death in Grande Cache, Alberta.

The article also, curiously enough, neglects to say who is doing all the shooting or what gun club they belong to.

A last little nugget of media wisdom...
"Parents who decide to keep a gun in the home should be counselled to store firearms unloaded, with a trigger lock or in a locked container, and separate from ammunition."
Which, as any legitimate firearms owner knows... IS ALREADY THE FREAKIN' LAW OF THE LAND.

FWIW, Mrs Neo heard about this on CBC radio... which surprising no one, vilified firearms ownership and totally left out the, cough, cough... "cultural component."


RELATED: Don't say "Jane and Finch"...

...because that's racist...
Toronto police are investigating after a vehicle was struck by multiple bullets in the city’s Humber Summit neighbourhood.

It happened shortly before 5 a.m. outside a banquet hall in the area of Weston Road and Toryork Drive, near Finch Avenue.
I guess one main intersection to the west doesn't count.


RELATED2: Surprise, surprise...
"One man remains in hospital this morning after a shooting in the downtown core overnight. The suspect is a black male, who is between the ages of 20 to 30 years old, and was wearing a black, three-quarter length coat with a fur-lined hood, a white hoodie, grey pants and black running shoes."