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09 February 2017

Who you gonna believe, asks media..., or your damn lyin' eyes...bias, what bias
The partisan divide is clear throughout the poll’s findings, with 89 percent of Republicans calling the Trump administration truthful, while 77 percent of Democrats find the administration untruthful.

Conversely, 69 percent of Democrats find the news media truthful, while 91 percent of Republicans consider them untruthful.
In retrospect, it seems Trump was inevitable.


RELATED: Need an example?poor little snowflakesAny reasonably intelligent person knows that this is just unadulterated nonsense aimed at gullible individuals.

And to the rest of the population, I would simply say, "Wake up and smell the manipulation."


LAST WORD: PTSD? Ask a Parisian...
“What scares tourists is lack of security, not security.”
It's the new reality.