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01 February 2017

Watch as media manufactures news

He seemed weird,” said Desveaux, who admitted it was a superficial assessment since he had never really spoken to Bissonnette.
Oh, yeah... he "loved guns as a kid," says another busybody from 15 years ago.

Except it wasn't an actual gun, it was an air-fired pellet rifle, like me and every one of my friends had when we were kids. These a-holes should be ashamed of themselves.

Where was all the Sherlock Holmes type speculation when Gamil Gharbi and Michel Zehap Bibeau were murdering Canadians?

In Europe after the attacks where Muslims with provable connections to terror groups smashed into crowds with tractor trailers, the BBC headlines were merely about people "killed by trucks."

Remember, this is Canada...

...only native born white guys can be terrorists...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did call it a "despicable act of terror." Quebec provincial police are "treating the attack as a terrorist act," CBC News reports, but RCMP have only said that the suspect could "later face terrorism-related charges, depending on the outcome of the ongoing investigation."
All the evidence says Bissonette is a murderer... but don't let the narrative be bent to excuse Islamic terror.