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10 February 2017

Speaking of Canadian values

A new theory of causality... brought to you by... but of course... the CBC...
Mohamed Huque, executive director of the Islamic Family and Social Services Association said the suspect's immigration status is not relevant to the crime, and journalists had a duty to keep those details out of their coverage. Media reports must take into account the everyday discriminations newcomers to Canada often face.
That's the first time I've ever heard someone try to rationalise multiple sexual assaults on teenage girls... in a very public venue, no less.

The very heart of the issue here is "cultural relativity." Mohamed and your national broadcaster would like to sweep that under the rug.


RELATED: Call me wacky, but...

...didn't he commit his last murder because he went off his meds?
WINNIPEG - A man who was found not criminally responsible for beheading and cannibalizing a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus has been granted his freedom. Manitoba's Criminal Code Review Board has given Will Baker, formerly known as Vince Li, an absolute discharge, meaning he is no longer subject to monitoring.

Baker, a diagnosed schizophrenic, killed Tim McLean, a young carnival worker who was a complete stranger to Baker, in 2008.
Oh Canada.