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07 February 2017

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one...
"A man whose life sentence for drug distribution conspiracy was recently commuted by former President Barack Obama is back in jail after allegedly crashing his vehicle while fleeing from a (kilo of cocaine) drug deal."

"In a signed notification approving the commutation application, then-President Obama wrote that Gill deserves it 'because you have demonstrated the potential to turn your life around'."
It gets better...
One of the dozens of people whose sentences were commuted by former president Barack Obama during his two terms in office was Damarlon C. Thomas, who had served eight years of a 19-year sentence for distributing cocaine.

On Monday, Thomas was brutally shot and killed in a halfway house in Saginaw, Michigan.
For the record, it wasn't "dozens of people"... it was hundreds.

The same keen sense of judgement that added over 8 trillion dollars to the national debt.