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09 February 2017

Justin's chickens coming home to roost

A man allegedly "both followed and inappropriately touched at least six teen girls while swimming in the park," said police spokesperson Scott Pattison. Soleiman Hajj Soleiman has been charged with six counts of sexual assault, and six counts of sexual interference.

Soleiman is a Syrian refugee, two sources told CBC News on Wednesday.

Pattison said he believes there may be more complainants.
Perhaps it's time for Pierre-lite to do a little more mosque outreach.

PS... Don't confuse that story with this one.


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"So maybe we should have a ban on immigration from countries where this sort of thing is culturally accepted."
Someone's actually saying it out loud.


If this happened in Syria, or any Muslim majority country... it's the girls who would be punished... up to and including being murdered. Google "honour killing."