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02 February 2017

Do what I say...

...not what I do...
“Look, this is also not unprecedented, by the way,” Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel said. “I mean, Barack Obama put a pause for six months on refugees coming from Iraq back in 2011.

RELATED: Smell the "professional journalism"
Efforts to make long-term weather predictions through the behaviour of rodents fell into discord early Thursday, as groundhogs in Canada and the U.S. made conflicting calls about the arrival of spring.
I miss actual news.


LAST WORD: CBC screws up... forgets codewords

Heads to roll in editorial after article uses actual geographical reference instead of "northwest end of city"...
A man has died following a shooting in the Jane and Finch area Wednesday night. There's no information yet about suspects.
Here's how you do it...
"an apartment in city's west end."

VERY LAST WORD: Latest shootee id'd
Dameion McFarland, of Toronto, is the city's sixth murder victim of 2017