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04 January 2017

Your National Broadcaster...

...makes a single, solitary reference to "a shooting"... and nowhere uses the word "terrorism"... instead we get a litany of references to the murdered woman's personality & demeanor...
1) "very kind," 2) "always happy," 3) "outgoing, optimistic and loving," 4) "full of life," 5) "lovely person inside and out," 6) "a great mom," 7) "a great person," 8) "always a big smile."
It's a good thing she wasn't a grouch... or this would have been a one sentence article.

Remember... the CBC sucks up 1.2 billion of your taxpayer dollars every year... and this is what passes for reporting.


RELATED: Hmmm... smells of "victim blaming"...

Apparently there's some sort of media distinction conferred on "provoked" shootings. Also.. why exactly are there so rarely media descriptions of "urban shooters?" Don't we want to catch these guys?


LAST WORD: The Toronto "Red" Star... a class by itself...
A missing verb, an extra 's' and a continued division of people into identifiable groups.