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06 January 2017

U.S. House of Representatives...

...bitchslaps Barry O... lines up behind Trump's Israel policy...
Lawmakers voted 342-80 in favor of the bipartisan non-binding resolution, which declares unwavering support for Israel and insists that the United States reject any future U.N. actions that are similarly "one-sided and anti-Israel."

A visibly angry House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. opened debate on the resolution by saying that the Obama administration "abandoned our ally Israel when she needed us the most."
Look for a similar action in the Senate in the near future.


RELATED: The real Obama legacy
Sorry, Mr. President, the world isn’t afraid of you and your empty threats. Eight years of leading from behind has left America’s standing in the world diminished, its moral authority compromised and its foreign policy in tatters.

RELATED2: On top of a thousand domestic pardons...
The Pentagon announced the release of four Guantanamo Bay detainees to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Wednesday. Salem Ahmad Hadi Bin Kanad, Muhammed Rajab Sadiq Abu Ghanim, Abdallah Yahya Yusif Shibli, and Muhammad Ali Abdallah Muhammad Bwazir were all former al-Qaida members with a long history of terrorist activity.

Many of the detainees released under the Obama administration were deemed “high risk” and between 18 and 30 percent have returned to terrorism.

LAST WORD: Despite the negative MSM spin...

...most reasonable people will see this as "a feature"... not "a bug"...
According to the report, transition staff issued an order requiring all politically appointed envoys — which would include Bruce Heyman, who was a key donor and fundraiser for President Barack Obama — to leave their posts by Inauguration Day, without exception.
Draining the swamp.