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02 January 2017

The "Ferguson Effect"

Here's what happens when you emasculate local law enforcement...insert alt text here
The interview with CBS's "60 Minutes" focuses on the 80 percent decline in street stops by Chicago police and fall in arrests this year, even as the homicide rate soars to more than 750 people killed.

It repeats a narrative that has been repeatedly told locally since Mayor Rahm Emanuel in October 2015 said cops had gone "fetal" in the face of protests about police violence.
Well, for what it's worth... the final tally was just shy of 800, but hey... who's counting?totalsKnow how many of those were killed by cops? Brace yourself, Buttercup... a grand total of 11... not quite 1.5%.


RELATED: Or... he could just be lying...
Call it naivety, stupidity or a misreading of the situation, but Vaca said at the time he was sure they would not shoot him.
Who is gonna doubt a felon's word? Not CBS.