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20 January 2017

The End of Civilisation... we know it...peoples cube
Headline story in our premier issue: I WAS FORCED TO SING AT TRUMPS INAUGURATION, the true story of a poor, but talented, single-mother, 1/16th Native American, trans-questioning, Chicago civil servant whom The TrumpHitler implacably forced to compromise her sterling liberal values to croon for The TrumpHitler's drooling delight while suffering the humiliation of the leering eyes of TrumpHitler's Deplorables Squads (with assistance by Russian hackers).
Arrrrgh... the yuge manatee!!!


RELATED: Who's deplorable now?
"In another secretly recorded video released by James O’Keefe, activists associated with DisruptJ20 are seen talking about 'throat punching' neo-Nazis if they get 'very loud with their views'."
The lunatic left in all their glory. See the Project Veritas videos here.


LAST WORD: Sick of Pravda North?
But what do I know? For a spectacular Interstate pile-up of conventional wisdom, do read Ann Coulter’s splendid column this week on Matthew Dowd, former Bush strategist and the Chumpy McArsepants in residence at ABC, who reliably got everything wrong, day in, day out, for the entire campaign season: If Dowd issued a severe winter storm warning, you could safely stroll down to town in your speedos. Yet there he is, apparently a permanent fixture on ABC’s “Powerhouse Roundtable”.
The spectacle continues.