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21 January 2017

The alternate universe of the CBC

Remember, the government gives these folks 1.2 billion taxpayer dollars every year...
"Confrontational, angry inaugural address leaves no doubt about which side Trump's on"...
Write your member of Parliament today about defunding this monstrosity.

In other media meltdowns...
"The butcher's bill has come due: President Donald Trump is about to victimize his own voters," Salon titled his essay.
On Friday's NBC "Today" show, Matt Lauer expressed fear that the unruly Trump crowds might target former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton once again.

The Washington Post's Catherine Rampell agreed that Trump having the nuclear codes "is somewhat terrifying to me, given that Trump does not have the greatest impulse control and when he says that he gets attacked, he punches back."

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tweeted that Trump may have wanted military equipment at his parade, but "at least he didn't want the marching soldiers goose-stepping — as far as we know."
I'm tired of being manipulated. How about you?


RELATED: It's just sad
The angry feminists were out in force. There were more signs talking about “PUSSY” than on the Reeperbahn. Pussy this, pussy that, all held up by women no less. Aging unkempt women wore pink hats they knitted called “Pussyhats” in twisted solidarity.
Yup... nothing like respecting the democratic process.


How low will they go?