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23 January 2017

Oh, sweetie... no worries

Speaking as an unrepentant biological member (no pun intended) of the international patriarchy... "Not even with a gun to my head"...insert alt text hereNow, while I'm sure there's someone for everyone in this crazy ol' world... wearing apparel warning people to stay away from your apparently irresistable lady parts seems a little unrealistically narcissistic... no?

Can things possibly get any Hollyweirder? Of course they can...
"In October, the pop star offered to perform oral sex on anyone who voted for former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton."
Slutwalk it off, grannie.


RELATED: When men were men...

...and women were glad of it...
"Forgive me for a possibly stereotypical misperception, but somehow I just can’t see Eric doing much more than stamping a warmly burnished Berluti loafer and throwing a bit of a hissy fit had someone pushed his baby-faced boyfriend out of the kitchen."

"Would it be unduly rash of me to suppose there’s some significant attitudinal adjustment on the way for our United States Army? Could this be a parable for these transformative times?"
As the new SECDEF is sometimes wont to say... "I don't get stress... I cause it."


LAST WORD: "Thanks for Nothing, Bitches"
“So, where were all these women when Hillary Clinton was speaking to near-empty arenas, or on Election Day, when such a turnout actually mattered?”