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18 January 2017

Now if BLM could just get rid of...

...all those pesky caucasians and gay people, it'd be a really proud day...
At Pride Toronto's Annual General Meeting Tuesday night, members voted in support of demands from Black Lives Matter Toronto, including the removal of police floats from future parades.

UPDATE: Not so inclusive after all...
A "disappointing step backward" is how a gay Toronto cop is describing an impromptu ‘yes’ vote during Pride Toronto’s annual general meeting to ban Toronto Police from having floats or booths in the annual Pride Parade.

RELATED: Two words, Buttercup... "Boko" "Haram"

Does the Globe have no standards for what goes into this section? NEWS PLEASE

LAST WORD: We wuz kangz
What’s the big deal about making history palliative rather than factual, if it makes the black kids less angry?
(via FFOF)