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09 January 2017

Looking death right in the eye

Euthanasia used to be one slippery son of a bitch... now it's mostly about the paperwork.
"Between 1999 and 2001, I helped eight people die, including the poet Al Purdy. Now, as I prepare to take my own life, I’m ready to tell my story."
This one has a particularly personal feel for myself and Mrs Neo. Two days after Christmas 2016, a family friend, who had found out last October that she had a particularly virulent type of ALS, resolutely & unflinchingly ended her own life.

Last night, we received a last "good-bye" letter from her, delivered by one of her closest pals, thanking us for storing & looking after her beloved motorcycle until a friend picks it up in the spring.

Rest in peace, Andrea. As always, for better or worse... you did it your way.