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13 January 2017

Federal laws are for "little people"

Trudeau said he never provided the commissioner with a list of friends and relatives that could be connected to government business nor did he disclose his relationship ahead of time with the Aga Khan.
All told, Justin's billionaire buddy has received $310 million Canadian taxpayer dollars for his "charitable" works.

And it just keeps getting better...
Before Christmas, the prime minister was deflecting criticism over the so-called cash-for-access fundraising issue in which senior ministers, including Trudeau, were rubbing shoulders with millionaires in exchange for the cash.

Worried that Trudeau’s brand as a middle-class hero was at risk by spending so much time with the world’s wealthiest people, the PMO hastily set up what his office is dubbing a national “listening tour” so Trudeau could “remain connected with Canadians.”
Hey Canada... how do you like your millionaire trust fund baby now?


RELATED: Justin, Justin... show us your tits!!!

Liberal response to aboriginal murder spree... "let's play basketball!"
A group of high school students from a remote Saskatchewan First Nation devastated by a school shooting last year were given a whirlwind introduction to Toronto this week, including court time in the Toronto Raptors’ training gym with coach Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
I guess this is supposed to divert attention from Justin schmoozing billionaire pal Aga Khan and his Chinese millionaire supporters.

Once again, the triumph of reality television over substance.