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17 January 2017

Community Organizer?

More like Divider-in-Chief...
This anodyne term was created by Chicago leftist Saul Alinsky who created the position to “rub raw the sores of discontent”.
Many thought Obama's moderate sounding speeches meant he had tossed Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in the dustbin. Instead, upon entering the White House, he created Organizing for Action, which has trained 5 million Americans in Alinsky tactics.

When I said, “My favorite part of the Obama era is all the racial healing” two years ago, I thought I could retire the tweet in January 2017. But perhaps the Obama era is just getting started.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Behold... "Generation Snowflake"
"So now we are left with a bloated race grievance/ identity politics industrial complex that he nurtured. What are these people going to do?

Get real jobs, get real clients? I think not."
And speaking of untouchable cultural icons...mlk
“Not even Ann Coulter included one of the biggest names of all. You know, the guy with his own national holiday.”
Apparently Hillary Clinton was unavailable for comment.