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16 January 2017

Can there be Reconciliation...

...if there is no Truth?
“He has made a claim, it’s been disputed and he hasn’t produced any evidence, and so the question is, where does he go from here?”
Maybe he's an aboriginal... trapped in the body of a colonial oppressor.


RELATED: A darling of Non-Native Canada.
“Think of all the Native writing awards he won. Some are cash awards, for Natives only. And how many Native writers, thinkers, Residential School survivors have gone unheard because he’s colonized their public space?”

Boyden has requested APTN organize a sharing circle with its Elder-in-Residence to create a “safe and sacred environment” for the author to answer questions about his heritage.

APTN responded by again inviting Boyden to participate in an interview. The author declined the opportunity.
Of course he did.