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05 January 2017

A syndicated TV show?

Man... I'm so old, I can remember when dolling up a 6 year old boy in dresses and bondage gear would have got you arrested.


RELATED: If you can't get a TV deal...

...just send it out over the intertubes...
In the Facebook live video which was partially broadcast on CNN and other media outlets, a man who appeared to be white was seen sitting on the ground in the corner of a room as his attackers, at least some of whom appeared to be African-American, laughed and made comments about "white people."

A Chicago police spokesman declined to give the race of the victim or the people detained.
Of course they did.


UPDATE: How it's done in Obama country
CHICAGO -- Four black people were charged with hate crimes Thursday in connection with a video broadcast live on Facebook that showed a mentally disabled white man being beaten and taunted, threatened with a knife and forced to drink from a toilet.

UPDATE2: Ask the mainstream media
"CNN host Don Lemon said Wednesday evening the broadcasted torture of a bound and gagged victim in Chicago was not “evil,” adding that the suspects had 'bad home training'.”

During the same discussion, Democrat strategist and former press secretary for Bernie Sanders Symone Sanders said the attack was “not a hate crime” if the suspects were motivated by “hate of Donald Trump.”