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02 December 2016

No wonder Justin Trudeau is a big fan...

...of China's "basic dictatorship"...insert alt text here
Trudeau’s pledge of a new system was always kept carefully vague. The Liberals, he said, would introduce something better and more fair. No details were offered, nothing specific was proposed.

Even when pressed, Trudeau refused to identify a preferred alternative. All that would come later.
Except, of course, that it didn't. How poetic that the non-announcement was made by Canada's first Iranian born Cabinet Minister.


UPDATE: Minister Monsef walks it back..
OTTAWA — The minister in charge of finding Canada a better electoral system issued an abject apology Friday to the MPs tasked with exploring her options after she misrepresented their work and accused them of shirking their duties on the floor of the House of Commons.

FROM THE COMMENTS: Ya gets what ya pays for...
"What we're seeing here is the Chinese Communist Party buying and owning the Liberal Party of Canada. Does Trudeau think he can actually turn down oil exports to China? Trudeau was bought and paid for by the Tong. They own him."
I'm guessing Papa Fidel would be proud.


LAST WORD: The trouble with "basic dictatorship"...
China’s Supreme Court on Friday exonerated a man who had been executed for murder in 1995, in a dramatic example of the inequities in the country’s legal system and the authorities’ halting attempts to come to grips with them.

In 2005, another man, Wang Shujin, confessed to murdering Ms. Kang. But it took Nie Shubin’s family 11 more years of campaigning to clear his name before the Supreme Court, controlled by the Communist Party, did so on Friday.
Maybe, Justin... you need some new friends.