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10 December 2016

Meet the folks who sent...

...Barack Obama to Washington...
"Illinois politics is an outlier in many respects, but Madiganistan is only a more extreme version of what goes on in other deep-blue states, such as New York and California."

RELATED: Ask a fatalist...
"It is amazing that the media in this country basically ignores this scandal. Still, if we are to have a Democrat, which unfortunately I think we are, I would rather see Obama than Hillary Clinton."

LAST WORD: Corrupt to the bone...

...the real legacy of Barack Hussein Obama...
“I’m so glad I can early vote. It’s so exciting. I love voting,” Obama said. But what he and his fellow Illinois Democrats love most is voting “the Chicago Way.” That involves bending every rule in the book, appointing compliant election judges, and looking the other way when some of Chicago s notorious voter fraud occurs behind the curtain.

“We have a sick political culture, and that’s the environment Barack Obama came from,” Jay Stewart, the executive director of the Chicago Better Government Association, warned ABC News when Obama ran in 2008. He noted that Obama “had been noticeably silent on the issue of corruption in his home state.”
And now America, after 8 years of Obama, is how many trillions of dollars in debt?