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06 December 2016

An "about face" about face

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday to party members that she was for a ban on the full-body veil wherever legally possible, receiving applause from her conservative CDU party.
death watch
“For us that means: show your face, therefore the full-body veil is not appropriate, it should be banned.”
Hmmm... a full 180... whatever could have happened to change Angela's mind?


RELATED: Not so assimilated after all...murdered
Maria Ladenburger, a medical student working voluntarily at an asylum centre, was found dead in German university city Freiburg.

A single strand of hair found at the crime scene led investigators to a 17-year-old Afghani who arrived in Germany last year as an unaccompanied minor. Police are trying to establish if he may also be responsible for the sex murder of another girl in the area.

UPDATE: Surprise... it's not just the CBC...
Last week’s revelation that 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger – a medical student, migrant home volunteer, and daughter of a prominent European Union (EU) official – was attacked and killed by a recently-arrived 17-year-old migrant shocked the nation.

Despite having a budget of €6.5 billion (£5.5 billion) and 20,617 employees, the public broadcaster decided not to allocate resources to bringing the story to national attention.
Now, if the 17 year-old migrant had been a murder victim, instead of a murderer... would that story have been passed over?


LAST WORD: Ask a German cop...
German police union chief Rainer Wendt has blamed the mass migration policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the death of Maria Landenburger who was killed by an Afghani migrant.
Is this Ms Merkel's "Road to Damascus" moment?