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15 December 2016

After his stint as Celebrity Prime Minister...

...there's always a career in standup comedy...liar,liar
Trudeau also denied involvement with the Trudeau Foundation, calling it “an independent foundation established in the memory of my father with which I ceased to have any engagement shortly after having become leader of the Liberal Party.”

The Globe and Mail notes that “opposition MPs erupted in howls of laughter” at his denial.

Trudeau has attended multiple questionable Foundation and Liberal Party fundraisers. One of particular concern for opponents cost $1,500 an entry and was attended by a number of Chinese millionaires with ties to the Communist Party.

Trudeau has previously boasted of his ability to get Chinese business leaders to make deals in Canada.
I wanna hear all his rib-ticklers about Uncle Fidel.


RELATED: Budget-bustin' Justin...liar,liar
A federal government project originally budgeted at $1.54 million could end up costing $1 billion, experts are saying.
It's only money, right?