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05 November 2016

What could possibly go wrong?

Call me a naysayer... but this seems eerily analogous to how the CIA ended up creating the Taliban...
In a push to hire minority police officers, the Obama administration is asking the nation’s 18,000 law enforcement agencies to forgive drug use, disregard the criminal records of candidates from “underrepresented communities” and lower standards on written and physical exams.

It’s part of the administration’s Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement initiative following a string of officer-involved shootings involving African Americans.
Now, where can we possibly find a group of under-employed gentlemen who fit this particular bill?
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is granting clemency to 72 more federal inmates whose sentences will now end earlier than expected.

Obama has been commuting sentences at rapid-fire pace in his final months, including a batch of 98 last week. All told, Obama has granted 944 people clemency, including 324 who were serving life sentences.

The White House says it's more than the previous 11 presidents combined.
Calling Officer Tupac.