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11 November 2016

The part-time drama teacher just blinked

Looks like President-elect Trump has already started to "drain the swamp"...
"The Trudeau government has offered to renegotiate the North American free-trade agreement, a gesture of goodwill to Donald Trump."

"The immediate effort to curry favour with the president-elect less than 24 hours after the U.S. vote is a significant move to develop a co-operative relationship with a leader who is Mr. Trudeau’s political opposite."
Not content to just report the news, the "professional" journalists at the Grope & Flail have trotted out an anonymous expert to try slime Trump...
"Trump also knows the government of Canada was 100-per-cent opposed to him. So they are not starting with a position of strength."
Curiously, it's not the incoming Republican administration who just bent over and grabbed their ankles... but that doesn't stop the Globe from attempting to trash Trump.

No wonder free-thinking people are turning away from the MSM in droves.