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28 November 2016

Since this is addressed to liberals...

...spare me the usual nonsense about “Victim Blaming”. We don’t have time for silliness. If you’re banking on the goodwill of evil people to keep you safe, you are a sucker.

If I urge you to look both ways before crossing the street, I’m not victim blaming, I’m trying to keep your stupid ass from getting hit by a bus.

Unarmed self-defense is great, when it works. I’m a fan. Less-lethal devices like pepper spray are great, when they work.

But trust me on this, everybody who does this professionally, who has spent years learning about how violence really works, we all have guns.

I know many of you are scared of guns, but just think of them like fire extinguishers, but for (putting out) murderers.

Shoot/no shoot
Here is another article where I go into a great deal of detail about when it is legal to shoot somebody. Trust me, I know more about this than the staff writers at Salon.

If somebody dressed entirely in Confederate flags walks up, screams DIE GAY ABORTION VEGAN and tries to stab you with his commemorative Heinrich Himmler SS dagger, it’s game on

UPDATE: Oh look... those evil guns...

...actually saved lives again today...
The man suspected in an attack at Ohio State University today has been identified as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, according to law enforcement officials. School officials said this morning's attack on the OSU campus began when the assailant drove a vehicle into several people, then exited the vehicle and began slashing at them with a knife.

A police officer near the scene responded almost immediately, shooting and killing the attacker within about a minute of the beginning of the attack.

Just three months ago an OSU student named Abdul Razak Artan was quoted in OSU's college newspaper, The Lantern, as he discussed his troubles finding a place to pray on his new campus.
Thus endeth the lesson.