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16 November 2016

Another story you're not gonna see...

...on the CBC...
Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage.

Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.

Her aides could not allow her to come out in public. It would take her hours to calm down.
And, apparently... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
"She’s fired many people. Many people have left the organization because of her. She is not a likable human being," Klein said.

"She is widely despised in the Clinton campaign in Brooklyn and at the Clinton Foundation because whatever little subtlety Hillary might have, Chelsea has none whatsoever."
Yeah, I'm shocked.