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13 October 2016

Yes, Virginia... there is such a thing... "locker room talk"...sadly, this is the real world
On Tuesday, Toronto restaurant La Carnita posted a picture of food on Instagram under the caption: “What if Donald said, ‘grab her by the taco.'”
The unfortunate reality is that this isn't a Trump thing... it's a guy thing. There's no denying it's rude and crude... but that's really the point. Sometimes it's a contest to see who can be, I shit you not, the "most offensive prick in the room."

None of which minimises male culpability. Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert explains this much better than I do.
"Men had a good run. We invented almost everything, and that’s cool. But we also started all of the wars and committed most of the crimes."
It's a fact that men, regrettably, start doing stupid shit like this at a young age. During my formative years this sort of idiocy was rampant. It is certainly less prevalent these days... but by no means extinct.

Maybe it's testosterone, but it's no accident that grade school girls aren't running around farting in each other's faces, making "Blue Angels" into a competitive endeavor, or teabagging sleeping friends.

Need another example? An incident being painted as a senseless attack on a young Asian man in Toronto now appears to be anything but...
Katie, a server at The Wicket near Bloor and Keele, and Ken, a regular at the bar, said they saw the incident unfold and wanted to tell their side of the story after reading the post on social media.

“Basically, as my friends and I were standing on the sidewalk having a cigarette, three guys ran past us and smacked us on the ass.”
What's the larger offence here... Trump's braggadocio from 2005... or an actual physical offence?

I'm amazed that the Clinton campaign, despite Slick Willie's record of actually physically attacking women, would try to run with this. Or that people would consider Trump's words to be more aggriegious than Bill Clinton's actions.

Again, I defer to the wisdom of Dilbertology...
"This is a good time to remind you that I endorse [Libertarian] Gary Johnson because he only touches himself."

RELATED: Never the twain shall meet

It's just funny... I can't explainsadly, this is the real world
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