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26 October 2016

Who's actually gettin' screwed here?

Just something to think about while you're writing out that obscenely excessive municipal tax cheque...
Currently, city workers can claim as much Viagra or Cialis as they likeand taxpayers foot the bill through city-funded health coverage. “We don’t have that for glasses, we don’t have that for dentistry, we don’t have that for many things,” Audit Committee Chairman Stephen Holyday said. “Maybe we should examine it.”
Or, Stephen... you can just grab your ankles and smile.

Oh, yeah... it's not just dick-juice these folks are scamming...
"According to the report, 16 claimants had an equivalent of two to five-year supplies of oxycodone in at least one year. Another 32 claimants had the equivalent of 19 months to about 6 1/2 years worth of fentanyl patches in a 12-month period."
The union makes us hard, er... i mean strong.


RELATED: Silence of the BLMs
"Police are investigating after a male was shot in the city’s Flemingdon Park neighbourhood Tuesday night. The victim, believed to be in his 20s, was found conscious with a gunshot wound to his upper body, paramedics said."
Remember, it only counts if the shooter is a cop.


LAST WORD: In other "Toronto the Good" news
Toronto has the same number of homicides so far in 2016 as we did all of last year.
Any way you look at it... Toronto's a bangin' place.