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12 October 2016

What would Canada be like...

...if we applied the same standard of discipline to politicians...jerk on the trigger
OTTAWA – A court martial will be held in Ottawa today for Maj.-Gen. Michael Rouleau, Canada’s top special forces soldier after he accidentally fired his weapon in Iraq. He is charged under the National Defence Act with one count of neglect to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

He isn’t the first Canadian general to face a court martial for his weapon accidentally firing. Brig.-Gen. Daniel Menard was fined $3,500 after his rifle fired two bullets in Afghanistan while he was commander of Canadian troops in 2010.

Another officer, Lt.-Col. Gilles Fortin, was also fined after accidentally firing a round from his pistol in the Kabul International Airport in 2012. Fortin was forced to pay $1,500.

UPDATE: Guilty as charged
“I’m proud to belong to a profession of arms where the accountabilities for the generals are the same as they are for the privates and the corporals. That’s the way it should be. I mishandled a weapon and I will pay a price for that,” he told reporters.

RELATED: In other "combat zone" news...
A 19-year-old man was shot near an Agincourt bus stop Tuesday afternoon, forcing schools in the area to be placed under hold and secure as police scoured the area for a suspect.

The shots were heard just after 1:30 p.m. in the Midland Avenue and Baylawn Drive area, according to Toronto police.
No word yet on which gun club the shooters belonged to.